Saturday 21 December 2013

Target audience questionnaire with analysis of results

This link below is for our survey we created to ask people around what they thought of horror films.

We asked 10 questions relating to horror films, the reason we asked these questions was for us to take the information and include some of the information into our own horror movie we are creating. When we checked the results we realised that we would have to make some changes to some of our ideas for our horror movie opening.

 Below, is a recorded analysis of our results. This was created by all members of the group but edited by Fern and Emma.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Horror Genre Research

This is a horror film timeline from 1910, up to 2013. It contained research of how horror films have been developed over the years. This was created by Fern and Shannon and they decided which horror films to add and they picked films that were most popular and a wide fan base. The timeline ranges from 1910 all the way to 2013 showing many changes. By studying this timeline two members of the group created, it made horror stand out by the improvements to make horror seem more thrilling and scary. The timeline was created on Dipity.

A prezzi was created by emma (another group member) which is about horror iconography. Horror iconography is things that are conventional in a horror film. For example, blood, weapons and darkness are very commonly seen in a horror film, making this horror iconoraphy. Throughout the prezzi there are different categories showing which scenes, locations and object are commonly used which helps us try to include horror iconography so our horror film is conventional. 

This powerpoint was created by me, it's about the different sub genres in horror. It explains what the sub genres are and what films link to that certain genre. The powerpoint helps understand individual horrors and what sub genre category the films fall under.

Finally, myself and Fern completed this task about different certificate ratings. It shows what the certificate ratings mean and why films are given a certain age group. It goes into a bit of detail about what is included in the aged film. This powerpoint is useful information as it gives the audience descriptions of certificate ratings and it has taught me why certain films have an age limit.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Preliminary Task Evaluations

This was also created on GoAnimate, which Shannon and Emma created. It was created to show how we used Media Conventions and Media Language. It includes how we used miss-en-scene and how some teenagers are stereotyped.


This clip was produced on GoAnimate. Me and Fern created it to explain how successful our use of shot reverse shot, 180 degree rule and match on action was. It's also gives an example to highlight when it's being used, however the 180 degree rule was used throughout.

Preliminary Task

This is our preliminary task. It includes Match on Action, 180 Degree Rule and Shot reverse shot.
Our scenario is based on a student in detention (Shannon) in which she has an attitude problem and is impolite to the teacher (Fern). Emma is a student that enters late to the detention. I filmed the video as it was a good opportunity to put all key terms into action.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Match On Action

  Match on Action is a very simple but effective technique, where the view of the camera changes during a scene and the scene continues from another angle to flow


  As a group, we were given a scenario to demonstrate Match on Action, and our scenario was a woman walking through a door. To plan, I thought of where the cameras were going to be positioned so that the cameras were out of sight from each other. We had to make sure that the clip looked natural and it needed to look like it wasn't edited. 

I found that editing the clips was the easiest part of the activity because I found it easy to notice parts where the clip didn't flow well enough. It's important for the clip to be well edited so it could be easily understood by viewers.

The most challenging part of the activity, was getting the cameras in the perfect angle so the other camera wasn't seen in the clip. If wither camera was shown in the clip it would look un planned and unprofessional.  To overcome this challenge, we ensured that both cameras were placed in the right position.

i learnt that the positioning of the camera was important because the cameras needed to be out of sight from each other but also needed to catch each moment. For example, my group placed the camera too far round the corner in the first clip so that you couldn't see the door that the person was walking through, this may have affected the audiences understanding of what was going on. 

If I was to be more critical, I would change the angle of one camera so it catches all action so our clip could have been improved. 

Monday 7 October 2013

Demonstrating 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot

  The activity was to demonstrate and show our understanding of the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot. We showed this by filming a short video of a conversation using the rule. We set our video outside of a restraunt as a dinner date so it looked like there was a lot to talk about to keep the conversation flowing. My role was to film the video and i also edited the video to make it all flow well.
   The 180 degree rule is a basic guidline regarding the spacial relationship between one character and another or an object used in the scene. Imagine a circle around two characters with an imaginary line cutting through it, the camera has to stay on one side of the line to ensure that the characters are constantly on the same side of the frame in each shot.
   The shot reverse shot is a filming technique where one character is shown looking at another character. The other character is then shown looking back at the first character.
   In the group I filmed the whole conversation from both sides of the stage. I also edited the short video which helped my understanding of the 180 degree and shot reverse shot.

   I  liked our video overall after all the editing was completed. We assessed ourselves with the grade B1 as we met a high level of criteria and our video was as a good, professional standard. Then we got graded B1/A3 by another group, who said the conversation in the video fit together and flowed and it also demonstrated the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot well; this was because of our use of 
   Our group ensured that we had control over the camera by making sure it wasn't shaking. We made this happen by using a tripod, which we made at specific angle to ensure we collected all the footage we needed. We also payed a lot of attention to the framing so everything needed was included in the shots. We had certain places for the characters to sit so it looked like a realistic conversation instead of one that was edited. 
   The video could have been improved in a few ways. We could have payed more attention to the miss-en-scene as we did include table and chairs to give the feeling of a first date but the background didn't really look restaurant themed. Also, the use of eye level wasn't matching which was stated in our assessments. 


Wednesday 11 September 2013

Blog Introduction

My name is Leah Endersbee, my candidate number is 9237 and I go to Swakeleys School 6th form.

I am producing this blog as evidence of the work I am completing for my foundation portfolio. I did Media Studies for GCSE and I was happy with the grade I got. I enjoy Media a lot which is why I wanted to take it as an AS level and hopefully with my skills I have in Media I will complete the AS level.