Thursday 19 December 2013

Horror Genre Research

This is a horror film timeline from 1910, up to 2013. It contained research of how horror films have been developed over the years. This was created by Fern and Shannon and they decided which horror films to add and they picked films that were most popular and a wide fan base. The timeline ranges from 1910 all the way to 2013 showing many changes. By studying this timeline two members of the group created, it made horror stand out by the improvements to make horror seem more thrilling and scary. The timeline was created on Dipity.

A prezzi was created by emma (another group member) which is about horror iconography. Horror iconography is things that are conventional in a horror film. For example, blood, weapons and darkness are very commonly seen in a horror film, making this horror iconoraphy. Throughout the prezzi there are different categories showing which scenes, locations and object are commonly used which helps us try to include horror iconography so our horror film is conventional. 

This powerpoint was created by me, it's about the different sub genres in horror. It explains what the sub genres are and what films link to that certain genre. The powerpoint helps understand individual horrors and what sub genre category the films fall under.

Finally, myself and Fern completed this task about different certificate ratings. It shows what the certificate ratings mean and why films are given a certain age group. It goes into a bit of detail about what is included in the aged film. This powerpoint is useful information as it gives the audience descriptions of certificate ratings and it has taught me why certain films have an age limit.

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