Tuesday 14 January 2014

Analysis of a Horror

This is a short analysis of the horror film 'The Conjuring'.

For this task I needed to analyse everything that happened within the clip. I needed to include: the description, the timing, mise-en-scene, sound, camera work, editing and typology. I found this very challenging as there was a lot of moving which madem it difficult to catch all the detail.
Watching these film titles helped me see how they are made to look attractive for a horror based film and they help build tension.

 This task helped my group develop our ideas as it gave us a guideline to follow. Myself and my group all created an analysis of a horror title so we could combine all our knowledge and ideas together to make our film titles effective. As as group, we saw a range of colour schemes to represent different things. For example, red represents blood which the audience would identify to be danger. The titles we discussed helped us to make our own titles conventional.

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