Sunday 12 January 2014

Film Pitch, Padlet and Amendments

This is our groups film pitch that we had to create in detail. We had to include: The title, log line, sub-genre, a resource list and a synopsis which needed to contain as much information as possible. Firstly, we had to create a title for our horror film and when knew it had to be related to the internet as our film forms around the a social networking site, therefore our film title is 'into-net'. We then discussed the sub genre and where our idea would come under and we decided it would be a psychological horror. The long line was next but we left this blank as we thought this would need extra attention as its a hint of what our horror film is about. It consists of a 'killer' who contacts teenagers and makes them suffer. The detailed synopsis had to contain the storyline from beginning, middle and end. We found this particularly hard as our group didn't think of the film as a whole so we had to add quiet a bit of extra information. We then wrote all the resources we were going to need for our horror film.

These are the comments made by peers which are to help improve the film fitch and give us a wider image of our film. These improvements helped by letting us know what the audience would need to know about the film as a whole.

This is our film pitch with all improvements on it. We took in all advise given and added extra information to make our horror more exciting. Now the film has been looked at as a whole and made better for our tasrget audience.

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