Friday 14 March 2014


For our evaluation, Fern and I designed a website and answered all the questions with input from Emma and Shannon.

Click on the link below to view the website:

Wednesday 12 March 2014


   We used two different locations in our horror film. Bentley Priory was our first place which was an outside environment and then we also used our sixth form common room to get a sense of reality for a teenagers lifestyle. 
   Here are pictures of the locations that have been included in our horror film:

All group members at Bentley Priory (Myself, Fern, Emma and Shannon).
All group members at Bentley Priory. 
Swakeleys Sixth form, common room sofa.

Bentley Priory was a good location as it fit all horror style conventions with large wooded areas and places that contain murky water, which suggests fear of the unknown. We used many wooded areas as we planned to have scenes based in a forest. We used this setting as its a typical environment used in many horror films and we planned to catch many successful clips in this environment. Our filming was very effective using the woods and we still plan to use clips that were filmed in the Bentley Priory forests.

Our sixth form common room was the second location we decided to film in. We thought this was the best location to film in as the common room relates to other teenagers that go to sixth form or college, therefore it shows a sense of reality for typically 16-17 year olds. We use the sofas in the common room to release the tension from our opening productions, this is effective as it shows contrast.

Overall, Emma and Fern done the majority of the filming, where as Myself and Shannon  seemed to have the directors role. The locations we used were effective as we collected all filming clips that we planned to get so we could start building our horror film and these places fit the typical conventions.

Monday 10 March 2014

Any pre-filming activites

These images are from footage that was filmed but not used. The footage was taken in Bentley Priory, for our original ideas for the horror opening. We changed our plans to create a solid storyline for our project. We had ideas for our horror but after the filming down, we looked at all our footage and was very unhappy. This lead us to film extra clips in order for our horror opening to be successful.
The footage we originally had made our horror to be more like a trailer then a full film, seen as we were only filming the first two minutes and we tried to get all detail in the opening. Having had time to plan our horror out further, we made ideas to allow our horror film to be complete.

We used little clips from our filming day at Bentley Priory as we thought it would be a good idea to get the audience to feel fear and then for the tension to be dropped so they had an idea of what to expect.

On a whole, I feel as if we did waste a bit of time by not planning our horror film in depth but I also feel like we immediately got to work and improved on our opening, therefore it was a success as we started to build our horror film effectively.

Friday 7 March 2014

Health and Safety Form

Below is our health and safety risk assessment that we needed to create before we headed out to film at Bentley Priory:

This risk assessment was created by myself and Fern, as we worked together to ensure it was completed to the full health and safety expectations. We discussed what the hazards would be in the different setting and we had to say what could put us in danger if anything was to go wrong whilst filming. We had to state who might be at risk and what could prevent the incident from happening. We then completed a risk rating out of 3, which helped us become more aware of the dangers in the environment.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Research and Planning

Before going out to film, we needed to create a shot list, story board and script, in order to stay on task.
This is the shot list (created by Emma):

This is the storyboard (created by Myself):

And this is the script (created by Myself):

When planning the horror opening, all of the above as essential in order to stay on task and so we can get things done.

The shot list is a record of what we want to catch on camera e.g. everything that's in the frame and the camera angles. The shot list is effective as it helps us figure out what shots need to be taken and what the characters will be doing in each shot. Our shot list includes locations, camera instructions, that action that is taking place, what actors are in the shots and what equipment will be need in the frame. This potentially helped when filming as I could get on filming immediately, without having to think about what I wanted to include in each shot.

The storyboard was created as a visual aid. A storyboard is a sequence of drawings that include some dialogue and directions; our storyboard was also a plan to ensure we could get the footage done as quickly as possible so we could start putting it together.

The script was created so the conversation didn’t go off topic. It includes directions and locations to set the scene. Having a planned script helped a lot as it got us to get the filming done quicker and it prepared us for making the actual footage.


   For our horror film opening, we needed to pick out costumes for each character. These costumes needed to represent the ages of the characters and the time period the film was set in. Our horror film is set in a fairly modern time period. 
   As I played a character called Skye, who was a victim in our horror clip, we decided to have me wear plain black leggings, with white high top converse and a green parker hooded coat. 
   This outfit shows an age of 16, as this is a trend. Leggings were worn as an everyday item with converse and then the coat just shows an outdoor feeling before she meets the killer. 
   Here is the costume of Skye (my character):

This outfit also shows teenage years. This costume is for the character of Laura (Shannon), who is the best friend of Skye and tries to warn Skye from the kidnaps in the area. This costume is perfect for a character like Laura as it's a typical 16 year old outfit.
Laura's costume (Shannon's Character):

For Charlotte, played by fern, she needed a different style outfit. Darker colours were needed as she was the one that was captured at first by the killer. She wore all black, with a burgundy top and the same colour converse. This outfit was effective as it did suit the age group she was in but also set a better scene as the dark colours suggests a sign of death; which gives the audience mixed messages.
Charlotte's costume (Fern's Character):
All costumes fit in with the time period and with the age groups well. Overall, the costumes ideas were effective.