Tuesday 4 March 2014

Bentley Priory location shots

For our horror film, we got the chance to go to Bentley Priory which is a Nature reserve. Bentley Priory includes lots of different settings which helped us have a background for our film. There was a river that was in the centre of a big field, which had many branches surrounding it. A few forest areas were about but there was also wide open areas; the whole nature reserve was effective as it gave us some ideas and images for our film. The lighting was perfect in some areas as it gave a feeling of different times of the day which helped us film better. 

Here are some of the different settings:

As you can see, the weather weren't the best. It was very dull and wet but this made it a perfect day for us to film our horror. We went on a day where it was raining all day, yes it did make it harder to get around the muddy puddles and through the grass, but it made the mise-en-scene for our film very effective. 

Before all the filming started, we all needed to discuss what place was best for us to film and what setting fit in with our horror, when then started filming straight away. As a group, we worked really well together and listened to each others ideas so we ended up getting all the footage we needed. 

Overall, Bentley Priory was an amazing location that we visited and included in our horror film.

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