Wednesday 12 March 2014


   We used two different locations in our horror film. Bentley Priory was our first place which was an outside environment and then we also used our sixth form common room to get a sense of reality for a teenagers lifestyle. 
   Here are pictures of the locations that have been included in our horror film:

All group members at Bentley Priory (Myself, Fern, Emma and Shannon).
All group members at Bentley Priory. 
Swakeleys Sixth form, common room sofa.

Bentley Priory was a good location as it fit all horror style conventions with large wooded areas and places that contain murky water, which suggests fear of the unknown. We used many wooded areas as we planned to have scenes based in a forest. We used this setting as its a typical environment used in many horror films and we planned to catch many successful clips in this environment. Our filming was very effective using the woods and we still plan to use clips that were filmed in the Bentley Priory forests.

Our sixth form common room was the second location we decided to film in. We thought this was the best location to film in as the common room relates to other teenagers that go to sixth form or college, therefore it shows a sense of reality for typically 16-17 year olds. We use the sofas in the common room to release the tension from our opening productions, this is effective as it shows contrast.

Overall, Emma and Fern done the majority of the filming, where as Myself and Shannon  seemed to have the directors role. The locations we used were effective as we collected all filming clips that we planned to get so we could start building our horror film and these places fit the typical conventions.

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