Thursday 6 March 2014


   For our horror film opening, we needed to pick out costumes for each character. These costumes needed to represent the ages of the characters and the time period the film was set in. Our horror film is set in a fairly modern time period. 
   As I played a character called Skye, who was a victim in our horror clip, we decided to have me wear plain black leggings, with white high top converse and a green parker hooded coat. 
   This outfit shows an age of 16, as this is a trend. Leggings were worn as an everyday item with converse and then the coat just shows an outdoor feeling before she meets the killer. 
   Here is the costume of Skye (my character):

This outfit also shows teenage years. This costume is for the character of Laura (Shannon), who is the best friend of Skye and tries to warn Skye from the kidnaps in the area. This costume is perfect for a character like Laura as it's a typical 16 year old outfit.
Laura's costume (Shannon's Character):

For Charlotte, played by fern, she needed a different style outfit. Darker colours were needed as she was the one that was captured at first by the killer. She wore all black, with a burgundy top and the same colour converse. This outfit was effective as it did suit the age group she was in but also set a better scene as the dark colours suggests a sign of death; which gives the audience mixed messages.
Charlotte's costume (Fern's Character):
All costumes fit in with the time period and with the age groups well. Overall, the costumes ideas were effective.

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